
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cute little spooks!

We had a fun and busy Halloween last week. As soon as the kids got done with their parties at school, we headed to Idaho Falls to trick -or -treat at Northwest Cosmetics. It was pretty scary and Ogden still talks about it. Then we headed to visit Emily and Natalie and Grandma Manwaring. By the time we got home, we had missed trunk or treat, not that we were dying to go, and instead just took the kids around the neighborhood before they went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ogden.
Ellie was the perfect princess Leia. She's been wanting to dress up as her for years now, and I finally gave in this year. She looked adorable.
I was so excited when Anna agreed to be a witch this year. I can't think of a better costume for Anna. She was the most adorable witch I've ever seen and she loved it because the package described it as a "glitter witch".

Ogden had a hard time agreeing to be anything, that and his dad is sooooo picky. We finally convinced him to be a basketball player, once we told him he could be "Troy", not that he really has the right outfit for Troy, but hey, he'll believe anything.

Here's our cute little trick- or- treaters before heading out to the neighborhood. They had such a good time and Ogden keeps reminding me that he told people thank you when they gave him candy.


Jonathan & Rachel said...

They all looked SO cute! I think it's funny that Justin is picky about what Ogden was for Halloween-very cute! Sounds like they had a good time!

Anonymous said...

Very cute kids! I noticed the Jarom's names weren't on the list to be visited....:) (Just kidding, I know how hard is to get everyone visited on Halloween.)

Marta said...

The pictures are so cute - looks like they had a memorable Halloween. By the way, who's Troy?

Elise said...

What adorable kids! I have to say, I am especially in love with Anna's costume-- it is way too cute. What a fun Halloween!

Andi Sherwood said...

Adorable, Amber. Your kids look so cute in their costumes!


Esther Ogden said...

So cute...your kids are the cutest little things. Jay and I are always saying how much we miss them. By the way, Mom, how can you be in YW's and not know who Troy is? He's only the hottest thing known to girls since curling irons!