On March 3rd-6th we headed to Island Park with Justin's family for our annual snowmobile trip. I love this trip almost as much as Justin and the kids and I always look forward to it because that's when winter can officially end for me. So, now I'm ready for the nice weather.
The day we left, Ogden and Truman started throwing up and did almost the whole time we were there. Ellie and I ended up getting it, too, along with Justin's sister, Natalie and his mom. Just as Justin's brother was getting ready to leave Thursday night, his son threw up all over, too.
I didn't take a lot of pictures, we were a little busy cleaning up, but these are just a few I did snag.
We always like to take little family trips to Big Springs so the kids can feed the fish and ducks. It's a nice little ride and perfect for the kids.

Above: Anna, Elena, Natalie, Gregg, and Justin
Jarom, Ellie,
Halle, Ogden, and Anna

Our group at Big Springs
Jarom, Carter, Ellie, Ogden, Kate, Elena, Natalie, Gregg, Anna, Justin and some stranger

Loading back up to head back to the cabin

Halle, Kate, and Anna
And of course, there's no better way to warm up after a
freeeeeezing cold ride. The hot tub kept the kids entertained for hours every day.
In all, it was a great trip. We had great food and a ton of fun. Can't wait for next year.