
Thursday, August 30, 2007

I've Been Tagged, Twice!!

Okay, this is so not like me, but now that I've been tagged twice, I've just got to get it over with. So, here it goes.....

1. Who is your man? Justin H Manwaring

2.How long have you been together? We've been married for 8 years.

3.How long did you date? That's the embarrassing question. We met in January, but didn't start dating until April and then got engaged in June. So.....2 months.

4.How old is your man? 30

5.Who eats more? Definitely me!!

6.Who said I love you first? He did and hasn't stopped!

7.Who is taller? Oh, that's a funny one. Anybody want to take a guess? Justin's 6'1" and I'm 4'11". He is!!

8. Who sings better? He does, although I wish he would do it more.

9. Who is smarter? Another obvious one, definitely him. There's no way I could be smarter than someone who is CONSTANTLY reading. He's amazing with the information he can retain.

10. Whose temper is worse? MINE. Hands down. He is always so calm, that's one of his best qualities.

11. Who does the laundry? I do. Sometimes he tries to help, but I just go behind and redo everything he does. I'm a little anal in that category.

12. Who does the dishes? I do most of the time, but he chips in and helps when he knows we have places to go or things to get done.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does.

14. Who pays the bills? We both do.

15. Who is better at the computer? Well, he's a Manwaring, does that say enough? It's definitely him.

16. Who mows the lawn? We both do. He mows while I trim. We make a pretty good team!

17. Who cooks dinner? I do, not that anyone really eats it, but I do cook it.

18. Who drives when you are together? He does. I hate driving.

19. Who pays when you go out? I love this one. Justin has never carried a wallet, (he prefers a giant planner instead), so I'm usually the one carrying the money, but he always pulls out my cute Vera and pays. I think it's so cute. We even had a waitress the other night comment on his cute purse.

20. Who is more stubborn? ME! (no comment)

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? This is a tough one. I would probably say me, but that's only because I'm usually the one who's wrong. It all comes down to that smart thing again.

22. Whose parents do you see most? Probably mine, only because we live in the same town, but we do a lot with his family.

23. Who kissed who first? He kissed me.

24. Who asked who out? He asked me out and I turned him down because I was going somewhere with another guy, but I really liked Justin, so I asked if he wanted to come hang out later instead.

25. Who proposed first? He did.

26. Who is more sensitive? I would say I am, but I'm pretty sure most people would disagree. (like Angie)

27. Who has more friends? He does.

28. Who has more siblings? He does. He has 7 and I have 4.

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Uh, that would be me, but he likes to tell people he has hand.

I now tag Angie Daw, Esther Ogden, and, you guessed it, Sally Peterson (ha ha Sally).


Anonymous said...

I am SOOO glad you sad you eat more. You and me are the only ones so far that have answered that way. I was starting to feel like a giant hippo, but if teeny little Amber can answer that way, then I'm okay! :)
Glad you did this, it really is fun to read all the answers.

becky ward said...

Cute. I love the comment about you pays...too funny!

Esther Ogden said...

Stink, now I really have to do this. I have been tagged twice now as well (I was hoping to get out of it!) I loved reading yours. It is so cute to hear your side of the story, but seriously,the eating question, who gets to eat out at a fancy restaurant everyday? Uh-huh! =)

Aric and Sally said...

Do you really wear the pants? Or is that just when Justin is using your Vera?

Chandler and Angie said...

Ok, I have to clarify that one time we were playing a game and I said Amber wasn't sensitive, but that isn't what I meant! I meant more along the lines of not very sympathetic, but now I'm just digging myself in a hole... Amber - you know I love ya.

Elise said...

You guys are way too cute. And Justin, we do owe our lives to you!! I'm going to put a tribute to you on our blog.

Yay for August 21st!!