On Monday, my dad, Justin, Barry, and Clay all went golfing in Provo and Clay hit a hole-in-one!! It was so exciting for the guys. Barry called us when it happened and told us to get a party going for Clay when he got back. The kids all got together and made a little sign for him, blew up balloons, hung streamers outside, and threw water balloons at him when he arrived and my mom and Neal ran to the store and got him a cake.
All the guys after the big match. Clay, Barry, Dad, Justin.
Of course, Justin looked up the probability of hitting a hole in one for the average golfer, and it's a 12,700 to 1 chance. For a pro, it's slightly lower at 3700 to 1. Pretty impressive, wouldn't you say?!!
We kept joking that we were going to have it put in the paper but I don't think many people would be impressed since there's a guy named Clay Ogden, the same age as our Clay, from Layton who is an amateur golfer who went to BYU.
So, we're going to settle for a blog post,instead.
Way to go, Clay!! (and excellent job on the birdie, Barry)
I'm hoping to have more pictures from our Labor Day trip to Provo later.
I can't believe there are two Clay Ogden's. Crazy! Nice job Clay!
Yeah, but can he burp his ABCs? Oh wait...
Nice job going to your happy place Clay. Did you dedicate the hole-in-one to Chubbs Peterson? (not Megan, the other one)
I LOVE that Justin looked up the stats. Just like him. CONGRATS!!
What a great ending to the summer vacation. I hope Clay started out his new semester in a good mood after all the hype on Monday. We're proud of him.
"That was so much easier than putting. I should just try to do that every time."
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