
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A False Alarm

Last night I was getting the kids ready for bed and showered. Ellie was the last one in and apparently it had gotten a little steamy in the house, because all of a sudden all of the smoke alarms upstairs were going off. I didn't realize what was going on at first. I couldn't figure out what the noise was, but the girls knew for sure. I've learned that all of those drills they do at school really do work.

Ellie had just gotten in the shower and put shampoo in her hair when it went off. She jumped right out of the shower, threw some pajamas and underwear on without even drying herself and was ready to go. Meanwhile, Anna had been standing naked in the bathroom trying to change a bandage on her arm. She was freaking out and I told her to put some clothes on. She said, "no mom, I don't want to get burned." I don't think she realized what kind of burn she would have gotten if she ran out in the freezing cold wet and naked. Ogden was running all over with his hands over his ears.

It was driving me nuts because I couldn't smell any smoke or see any flames. I thought maybe the batteries were dead in the smoke alarm and then realized that all of the alarms were going off. I ran out to the kitchen to check the oven that I had heating for a loaf of bread, but it was fine. I felt like such a bad example because I wouldn't run outside in the freezing cold until I knew exactly what was causing the alarms to go off. Eventually, they shut off after the shower had been off for a couple minutes, but they were sure long minutes.

After it was all done, the kids were talking about how scared they were and Ogden said, "I thought it was bad guys or a robber." No, just steam.


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the time when my mom sent us out of the house because of a "gas leak" (actually a hot air balloon above our house...we don't have gas) and Emily and Natalie were practically naked.

What an example Ellie! Funny story.

Jeremy Ogden said...

I thought it was going to be a story about a trip to the maternity wing of Bingham Memorial.

The Manwarings said...

Becky, that's so funny. That's all I could think about the whole time. That's why I wanted to make sure there was something really wrong before I made everyone run outside.

Brandon and Emily said...

At lease Ellie and Annie won't be scarred for life like Natalie and I.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I wish the alarms went off for burglars and bad guys! Ellie is SO much like Alyssa; she would have done the exact same thing. It totally cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

It was a gas leak. . . just from a hot air balloon! You should be grateful for a mother who knows about these things, like what could happen, if we did have a gas leak, if we did have gas! A good scare is good for everyone. But I'm glad everything was okay. Why weren't you at the caucas by the way? Mom

Esther Ogden said...

Way to go coming to your senses first, Jo. I'm not sure how many friends you would have left if you all would have ran outside naked.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I had a towel!

Elise said...

Wow, Amber-- you have very sensitive fire alarms. That's a good thing, though, most of the time! Poor little Anna-- and Ellie, what a prepared girl she is!